Xvi Century
San Juan Evangelista en Patmos por Tiziano, 1547.
Dagger, Persia, 16th century, via omgthatartifact
Eugène Isabey, The Burial at Sea of a Marine Officer Serving under Louis XVI, 1836. Oil on canvas, 2
Shaffron of Henry II of France when Dauphin, ca. 1495, Italian.Shaffron is that piece of armor that
Top: A pair of 19th century silhouette miniatures, done after French Revolutionary caricatures from
Portrait of Lucius Verus. Second half of II century AD, additions of XVI century. Marble. Galleria E
Piedad con San Juan Evangelista y María Magdalena por Cigoli, 1599-1600.
Took me some time to figure out what to put in the middle. Marie and Blaisdell.
San Pedro y San Pablo obra de un autor cretense desconocido, s. XVI.
San Pedro Mártir con los Santos Nicolás y Benedicto por Cima da Conegliano, 1505-06.
Catalina Cornaro, reina de Chipre, obra atribuida a Gian Cristoforo Romano, 1505.
faustyflakes:Shipwreck in a Thunderstorm, Claude-Joseph Vernet, 1770. Detail.
Virgen de los Dolores por Luis de Morales, 1560-70.
amislouisxvi:Wonderfully detailed floral paintings from the time period of Louis XVI
Portrait of the family of Sir Thomas More shows English fashions of the later 1520s.
La virgen adorando entre dos donantes por Girolamo Savoldo, 1527.
Puertas del altar de San Eloy por Pedro Nunyes, 1526-29.
Aparición de Cristo a su madre por Juan Fernández de Navarrete “El Mudo”, 1578-79.
Santo Tomás de Aquino por Giovanni Battista Bertucci, 1512-16.
art-of-swords:Handmade Swords - Type XVIIIc Sword in 15th century styleMaker: Peter JohnssonType XVI
tooyoungtoreign:Requested by malimarie
El beso de Judas, talla realizada en Alemania, s. XVI
Anne Fernely por Antonio Moro, 1560-65.
Sir Thomas Gresham por Antonio Moro, 1560-65.
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