wtfkits:Smiles and style in this repost from @teamrouleur photo: @mrvlok
wtfkits:Today’s ride will zig and sag with @theathletic
wtfkits:team-punch:Gotta love Mottet.A head of hair for the ages.
wtfkits:Ever since seeing this kit I have had nightmares of a mute Kumamon pointing at my bike while
wtfkits:@bodhicycling has some things that may catch your eye. (And back off Warchild, seriously)
dfitzger:by @wtfkits: Haven’t touched on this one yet but the merino jersey is out from @ridewithrin
wtfkits:Should a US athlete stand on the podium they will be wearing this insulator. Because nothing
wtfkits:Yeah, that’s 113 Degrees Fahrenheit. Wear whatever dude - just don’t die.You know what&rsquo
wtfkits: As @kiss_my_panache pointed out Cavs shoes give off a Stan Smith vibe … I am insanely jealo
wtfkits: Domo for gettin lunar!!! A+
wtfkits:This pic surfaced from @lemondbikes - @greglemond in the wind tunnel going superman turn bac
wtfkits:A morning commute rider submitted without comment from the wilds of the internet ….Oh man&he
wtfkits: billstrickland: It’s always youth that reinvigorates the old styles and make them cool agai
wtfkits:I am going to be seeing more of these than I realize on my weekend group rides …Anything to
wtfkits:@teamawesomebike it’s the champagne of Kits, it takes care of business and it’ll steal your
wtfkits:Midnight maraudin, air attackin’ independent farbicatin’ enve’n … Anybody who is a fan of @A
wtfkits:Captain Awesome Kit reporting fur doo-Tay.Nicely done traileheaders
wtfkits:@wyndymilla is getting into the skull game.・・・The first of our new ‘Collaborations Range’ of
wtfkits:Meanwhile at #RioOlympics@DanFromNam & @VeraAdrian7 are enjoying #newkitday courtesy @ra
wtfkits:Reminder @sabotagecycling has stuff・・・It’s almost summer but you can still bundle up. Socks/
wtfkits:There was not a #capsnothats commissar onsite at marathon mtb nationals this weekend
wtfkits:✌ and #aeroiseverything in Italy. #cycling #cyclingkit # #speedsuit
wtfkits: ✌ and #aeroiseverything in Italy. #cycling #cyclingkit # #speedsuit
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