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“Gift of Peace” has the Blue Dragon. Blue dragons are associated with peace and immortality. Of cour
“Power of Regeneration” features the Yellow Dragon. The yellow dragon represents the Emperor and the
“Gift of Rain and Rebirth” is the Rainbow dragon! This piece has not had a musical piece written for
“Gift of Power” otherwise known as the black dragon has an amazing song written about it! The black
“Power Of A Warrior” features the Bronze Dragon. The bronze dragon like the title implies symbolizes
Thank you all so much for your support! Thanks to you we have met our @kickstarter goal! It isn’t to
“The Power of Lunar Machinery” otherwise know as the silver dragon is having a whole song inspired a
“Gift of Death and Rebirth” features the White Dragon. White dragons can mean a variety of things bu
Dragonology music album is complete! You can now listen to it on all streaming services like @spotif
“baby, I’m confused….” #newmusic #takemehome #iamnatassja #
Yoooooo My “Chillin’ With…” guest mix for @mol__alexander is numero uno
One of my earlier works, a CD cover for traditional singing ensemble “Bilbil” from Serbi
AYITI NAN KAY LA || BOHIO MUSIC Look out for the officiall link shortly #AyitiNa
A sublime selection of obscure and amazing tracks from around the world evoking the realms of Pisces
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