World Nativities 2020
Boobies in motion
costume drawing
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY TWENTY FOUR Bryn Athyn Nativity honors the architectural legacy of Raymond Pitca
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY THIRTEEN This Nativity, made by the Mamani family, depicts the figures as Shipib
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY ONE In 1933 in Spain, Jose Puig Llobera established Belenes Puig S.L., a family-
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY TWENTY FIVE Winfred S. Hyatt made three Nativity scenes for the Raymond Pitcairn
The garments, arms, and headpieces of these Nativity figures from the Philippines are constructed fr
Our first issue of Glencairn Museum News for 2020 presents more than a dozen beautifully photographe
This nine-piece Kokeshi Nativity was designed by the Japanese artist Miyashita Hajime. The making of
This Nativity was inspired by the construction of a traditional Hmong home in Laos, a country in Sou
Good news! We’ve now made it even easier for you to reserve your spot on one of our special, 4
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY SIXTEEN “The inspiration for this piece comes from the sacred, cozy feelin
According to tradition, a Moravian Star should be displayed beginning on the first Sunday in Advent
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 5Page from a 15th-century Book of Hours, likely made in Northeast France. Glenca
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 4Stained-glass panel by Winfred S. Hyatt and Lawrence Saint from the Christmas w
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 3Stone with polychromy, made in France during the late 15th-century. Glencairn M
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY TWOStained-glass panel by Winfred S. Hyatt from the Christmas window in Glencair
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY ONEFresco by an unknown artist from the Clarissan monastery of Santa Maria inter
The 100+ figures in this large 19th- and 20th-century Presepio were collected in Italy over a period
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 9Watercolor painting by Maud Petersham, from Woodstock, New York (1961). Glencai
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 8Limestone relief of the Adoration of the Wise Men, 13th-century France. (Detail
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 7Lampshade panel illustrating the Visitation of the Shepherds, made in the late
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 6Stained-glass roundel of the Annunciation to the Shepherds made in 13th-century
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY for Glencairn’s “World Nativities” exhibition and “Chr
There’s still time to see our two Christmas exhibitions: “World Nativities” an
Today we were at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Connecticut for a reciprocal loan of N
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