Wood Figure
virtual-artifacts:Wooden figure of an enthroned ram-headed god with arms outstretched; overlaid with
Carved wooden figure of a mother and child (phemba), of the Yombe people, Kongo Central Province, De
A large gilt and lacquered wood figure of Amida Nyorai. 18th-19th century
Ethiopian hand figure with cross (carved wood). Artist unknown; 18th century. Now in the Walters A
Wooden figure of Bes standing on a lotus, holding a tambourine and dancing
Male figure (wood, plant fiber, and glass beads) from the Niembo chiefdom of the Hemba peoples, pres
Landscape with Figure. Study for ‘La Grande Jatte’, 1885, Georges SeuratMedium: oil,wood
Rapa Nui culture Ancestor Figure (called a moai kavakava) made of wood, bone, and obsidian. Easter I
Grotesque with male figure, lower body and head of acanthus scrolls. c 1515–27. Marco Dente. Metropo
“Alongside the Iggy Pop Life Class drawings, I have selected some objects from the Brooklyn Museum’s
whitedogblog:Kwakiutl wooden model totem pole, carved with a human figure in a crouching posture, su
Madeleine repentante.c.1840.Oil on Canvas.43 x 36 cm.Art by Adélaïde Salles-Wagner.(1825-1890).
danniellajaine: “Entranced the petals merged into a figure of blushing porcelain beauty and to her a
Émile Bernard (French; 1868–1941)Après le bain, trois nymphes = After the Bath, Three Nymphs Oil on
Carved wooden figure (nzambi) of the Holo people, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo or An
Ancestor figure of blackened wood, of a female wearing an elaborate hairstyle, the wooden pegs on fa
Wooden tekoteko (gable figure). Carving from the Te Arawa branch of the Maori people, North Island
George Platt Lynes. Paul Cadmus with Wooden Figure, c. 1937
Drum carved in the shape of a female figure, of the Baga people, Guinea. Now in the Musée d'Arts afr
The Bench in the Park - Max Schwimmer , c.1930.German, 1895–1960Oil on wood ,27,0 x 22,5 cm.
Ritual Figure. Egypt: Late Period or Early Ptolemaic Period. 380 - 246 BC. Wood, formerly clad with
Living with Folk Art: Ethnic Styles from Around the World, 1991
Figure of a female devotee of the Yoruba thunder deity Shango, holding the god’s characteristic symb
Female figure (mwana hiti) of the Doe people, Tanzania. Artist unknown; 20th century. Now in the E
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