Visual Aid
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My last drawing illustration had me working with “fluid dynamics” quite a bit. It was something I ha
Dodel-Port Atlas, wall charts of Prothallus / Gametophyte and Pteridophyte, late 19th century. Switz
carbon–14: gays in pokemon, a visual aid feel free to add on if u want
All kind of helpful wheels. More to see: present & correct
made a helpful visual aid for anyone else struggling with the Maliketh fight
prudencepaccard:aconissa:Poet James Schuyler to painter John Button (Spring 1956) a visual aid
Founded in 1988 in the midst of the AIDS crisis, Visual AIDS is an arts organization dedicated to fi
Celebrate the finest talent our great borough has to offer! Our December First Saturday features the
Last month, our Teen Museum Apprentices attended an Afrocentering workshop taught by cultural anthro
HIV Protease, 2015Ryan Duffin
Over the past few months, AgitProp! Has brought history and the contemporary moment together, igniti
ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS | Résurgences activistes et d’autres fins possibles
On Friday, July 13, the Whitney will host Visual Arts and the AIDS Epidemic, a symposium that t
World AIDS Day 2018 - poster by fierce pussy for Visual AIDS, 2013
Support LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN on KickstarterLINK TO DONATELet’s expand a platform for c
carasidhe: my very high tech attempt at a visual aidThis is what happens when I have a pen and a pap
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