Urban Birding
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Northern CardinalBrooklyn Bridge ParkPier 4, Bird Island
Canal Side, Trafford, Manchester, England.
Ring-billed GullBrooklyn Bridge ParkPier 2 kayak launch
American CrowBrooklyn Bridge ParkFurman St. beneath Brooklyn-Queens Expressway
Gray CatbirdBrooklyn Bridge ParkPier 5 uplandsGray Catbird drinking from the only fresh water source
BrantBrooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 4
I call this one: The Last Survivor.We don’t know what exactly happened to its siblings, but we
Today’s photo is dedicated to Jürgen and Isolde –yeah, like in the legend Tristan a
Oh, dear goodness me! Why do I love you so much, Rotkehlchen!!1!1Rotkehlchen (European robin) auf de
This is the moment when she realized I had been right there trying to get a decent shot for the last
It’s that son of a b*tch.Höckerschwan (mute swan) am Pumpsee im Rosensteinpark, Bad Canns
Blaumeise threatening flowers, threatening beauty.Blaumeise (blue tit) in Stuttgart-West.
People: Let’s feed the birds.The Pigeon: Imma bird!!Straßentaube (feral pigeon) in Stutt
The snow melting under the sun. Browns and whites combine. A song thrush joins the scene. My presenc
I camouflaged behind a trash can to take this one. Dohle (jackdaw) am Eckensee im Oberen Schlossgart
You can see in its little face the pain in its little heart. ️Wacholderdrossel (fieldfare) auf dem S
Kleiber was going deeper into the darkness of the forest, where mysterious creatures, blood-thirsty
I was wondering why Graureiher would be interested in watching the old folks in town playing boccie.
The forest’s secretsThe encounters are unknownA song thrush this time.Singdrossel (song th
“What is this shiiiiiiiiit!?”Stare (starlings) auf dem Schlossplatz, Stuttgart-Mitte.
Another little orb. It was cold, but it warmed my heart.Sumpfmeise (marsh tit) auf dem Hasenberg, St
He killed a big ass spider for her. Aw, this is real love. Gartenbaumläufer (short-toed treecre
besidethepath: I wish a relaxing Sunday with these Tufted ducks (16.3. & 21.4.22)
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