Unusual Fruit
Two cocks not enough it emough
Not enough cocks
Not enough two cocks
Root beer plant (Piper auritum)This big floppy plant is said to resemble the taste of root beer - or
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Harvested our first jackfruit of the season! I was always wo
Tiny mangoes are forming
Cannon ball tree (Couroupita guianensis)Through all my travels, and people’s private plant collecti
Water lilies on a cloudy dayToday what stood out wasn’t the beauty of the water lily, but the contra
Jamaican Croton (Graptophyllum pictum)After having this bush planted by the front entry for several
Oxalis debilisAnother beautiful weed.
Beauty even in dead palm fronds.
The tree that grows fruit on its trunkThe Jabuticaba is an unusual name for an equally unusual-looki
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Harvested our first jackfruit of the season! I was
Beauty even in dead palm fronds.
Oxalis debilisAnother beautiful weed.
Root beer plant (Piper auritum)This big floppy plant is said to resemble the taste of root beer - or
Tiny mangoes are forming
Cannon ball tree (Couroupita guianensis)Through all my travels, and people’s private pla
Water lilies on a cloudy dayToday what stood out wasn’t the beauty of the water lily, but the
Jamaican Croton (Graptophyllum pictum)After having this bush planted by the front entry for several
There are many strange and unusual plants that grow all across Nirn, and one should be careful about
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