rickey thompson
μιχάλης παππάς
veronica clinton
I just love this self-potrait of @feralraven wearing the Nornir talisman I crafted after the Bind-Ru
The Runic Amulet anklet is one of the new pieces I introduced this year, after I was asked to craft
One of my highlights of MMXX: Dearest @adozenwintersofloneliness & @scarslikevelvet_ wearing the
Two magick kits, FIN'AMOR (love) and GLANIS (health) ♡Each kit is filled with organic and natural i
Talismans made of sustainable silver by underthepyramids
@weissdorne wearing her Chiisikaaw talisman with Runic drop earrings.Merry -early-Imbolc, everyone!
The first Full Moon of the year is coming. Do you have and special plans?I will mix some more incens
ORDER DEADLINESI wanted to remind you that I am the sole person behind under the pyramids.Each piece
Ever since antiquity, a great power has always been attributed to salt. Salt has been used by witche
The Sabbat talisman is available in three different versions:- pointing upwards with one drilled hol
My dear @laserrenoire / @fragmance photographed by @a_fleur_de_peaux Löu is wearing their everyday p
More beautiful self-portraits of @misformirrors with her Runic amulet and some Wolfsbane. ....#under
“A Ghost lost in Limbo” Part ¾ of the serie in collaboration with @he
underthepyramids: The lovely Margarita @ms.dunwich / @dunwich.ph and her Algiz Runic Amulet. #unde
“Basilique Fantôme” Part 4/4 of the serie in collaboration with @helenaagu
turned twelve on Walpurgisnacht! I didn’t have the heart to celebrate then but I am work
Another bind-rune someone trusted me enough to craft for a loved one. I can craft bind-runes adapted
The Memento Mori & Irom Otnemem miniature crosses are now ava♱lable in polished (as seen her
✣ Yesterday was , which marked under the pyramids anniversary. Twelve years of incredibly rich exper
Saturn/Lead piece from the “Solve & Coagula” collection inspired by alch
@nickynarc is wearing her Algiz Vördr talisman & Shízhánee’ rings&a
My favourite symbol can now be found in earring form! Sól, which represents the healing power
Always thrilled to see my pieces shine in someone else’s pictures. Here in “Parl
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