book chair
Currently working on new AURA unicorn header artwork~ ✨✨Vanilla Bean colorway seen here is available
I finished the new header art for Baku~ swipe right to see it with the toy✨. Baku was designed by me
Sparkly pastel unicorn Aura are available tomorrow (July 28th) at Summer Soul booth E23 ✨✨✨Aura was
Just updated my website~! Found some toys hiding in my office that are looking for a good home (^ν^)
Mothra Negora is finished! Thank you everyone for your suggestions in my last post. Mothra was clear
What do you think I should paint in the 2nd Negora? DM me if you’re interested in the Goji one!Daioh
Reposted from @looneybintees SUPER TURTLE BROS RAPH tee by our artist @punksthetic is now available
˗ˏˋ tamagotchi ˟ pokémon ˎˊ˗ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #ポケモン #ゲームボーイ #たまごっち #tamagotchi #gameboy #nintendo #nint
✨✨ I’m enjoying the tamagotchi pix so far This tama is just too cute༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #たまごっち #拓麻歌子 #tamagotc
⛩ Celebi ⛩ He is my first shiny Pokémon in 2020 ✨ What an amazing start to this year! - Wish you the
ちゃまめっち ʢ•·̫•ʡ ♡ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #たまごっち #拓麻歌子 #tamagotchi #tamagotchipix #tamagotchicollector #bandai #virt
✨✨ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #たまごっち #拓麻歌子 #ふぁみたま #tamagotchi #tamagotchiv5 #familitchi #bandai #toystagram #virtual
Shiny EeveeI’m trying to have all the shiny Eevee evolutions. I managed to catch a shiny Espeon and
✨♀️ Clefairy ✨ Shiny Clefairy is my latest shiny pokemon from hatching eggs! Sometimes shiny huntin
EarthBound ⚡️ 日本語版は散々遊んできたから今度は英語版を どせいさんに早く会いたい ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #マザー2 #どせいさん #スーパーファミコン #snes #supernintend
. 朝夕は気温がマイナスなこともあるけど、日がだんだんと長くなってきてるし晴れの日が続いてもう春というより夏の気分 ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #ポケモン #ゲームボーイ #gameboy #dmg
✨⚡️ ポケットモンスターピカチュウ ⚡️✨ ネトフリでポケモンのアニメのカントー編から見直してるけどめちゃくちゃ懐かしい(•ᵕᴗᵕ•) もう何回か見ているけど、いつ見ても懐かしさで胸がいっぱいになる
✨ Chansey ✨ I’m having a hard time catching Chansey. It’s really hard to get, but it makes her very
@awagumostudios and I talked a lot about gameboy games recently and it made me wanna play Sailor Moo
♨️ カオナシ ♨️ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ ༶ #たまごっち #拓麻歌子 #tamagotchi #tamagotchips #bandai #gamergirl #toystagram #toycolle
✨✨ I just start to play Pokémon green from scratch, and chose Bulbasaur for my starter this time! I
While I’m growing blooms on my flower bunnies, Mr Sleepy Fox dreams this nasty and rainy weath
♨️ Spirited Away ♨️ I can’t believe that I haven’t played any kind of video games in two month
Sunny Sunday afternoon ︎︎︎︎. . . . . . #どうぶつの森 #あつまれどうぶつの森 #acnh #animalcrossing #animalcrossingne
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