christophe guye
blau-gruene infrastruktur
true happiness
Happy Midsummer for everyone My day will be almost 20 hours long ☀️ . #piirtäminen #juhannus #juhann
Another original painting has got itself framed! . My original paintings are available on www.jasuw
My new shelf in the mini-gallery! Welcome to Huvilatie 8-10 B11, Rovaniemi ⬅️ Mon-Fri 10am - 6pm Sa
Here’s my #artvsartist2020 It’s so nice to look back to 2019 and 2018 and see how I’ve progressed. I
taiteilija: nerys
October 2023 ✨ Soon all the calendar illustrations will be finished! Find more of my art and art pro
The sketches for the last remaining calendar illustrations (tho I did actually paint one of them alr
7/12 calendar illustrations finished! ✨ over half way there before May. Maybe finally this year I&am
If you still need a calendar half way through the year, you can come get one in my mini-gallery for
I finished this on Tuesday, which means there are only 4 illustrations left to paint! I’ve
Happy Midsummer for everyone My day will be almost 20 hours long ☀️ . #piirtäminen #juhannus #j
taiteilija:I made a thing to warm your hearts up! :)
Akseli Gallen-Kallela, monen muun taiteilijan ohella, on kuvittanut Seitsemän veljestä -romaanin.Vää
Lisbeth spelar teater, Carl Larsson, 1909, Finnish National GalleryLisbeth, taiteilijan vanhin tyt&a
100kg painavan taiteilijan muotokuva2015 (work in progress) //Portrait of an artist weighing 100kg20
Interiööri taiteilijan kotoa, Albert Edelfelt, Finnish National Gallerykokoelmat.fn
(via Taiteilijat - Kuvataiteilijamatrikkeli)
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