cosy studying
Teva guys
Outgoing : 160818 ✉Sent out a letter to my Hungarian penpal Anna and postcard swaps to USA , Belarus
Incoming : 210718 ✉Received a letter from my new American penpal. Also received postcards of Wyoming
Incoming : 290918 ✉A very happy mail week it has been for me! Got a letter from my dearest Kim in Be
Incoming : 150918 ✉I have been so behind with updating my incoming mail but I believe this big pile
Incoming : 050818 ✉Some beautiful postcards arrived this week from Germany , Malaysia and Russia ❤
Outgoing : 290818 ✉Mailed out a letter to Shanaya in USA and postcards to swappers in Hong Kong , L
Outgoing : 091018 ✉Mailed out postcards swaps to Bahrain , Trinidad & Tobago , Austria and Germ
Outgoing : 100818Mailed out postcards to China , Taiwan , Philippines , Scotland , Russia , USA , Vi
Outgoing : 230718 ✉Mailed out a letter to USA , and postcards to South Korea and Indonesia . Thank
Cum swappers
Outgoing : 091018 ✉Mailed out postcards swaps to Bahrain , Trinidad & Tobago , Austria and
Incoming : 061018 ✉This week I received a letter from Germany and many beautiful postcards from Gree
Incoming : 290918 ✉A very happy mail week it has been for me! Got a letter from my dearest Kim in Be
Incoming : 150918 ✉I have been so behind with updating my incoming mail but I believe this big pile
Outgoing : 290818 ✉Mailed out a letter to Shanaya in USA and postcards to swappers in Hong Kong , Li
Outgoing : 160818 ✉Sent out a letter to my Hungarian penpal Anna and postcard swaps to USA , Belarus
The Swappers’ Toys pulpcovers.com/the-swappers-toys/
The Swappers pulpcovers.com/the-swappers/
Swappers Don’t Cheat pulpcovers.com/swappers-dont-cheat/
Swappers Cove pulpcovers.com/swappers-cove/
Swappers’ Pawn pulpcovers.com/swappers-pawn/
Calling All Swappers pulpcovers.com/calling-all-swappers/
Incoming : 270718 ✉Here are this week’s incoming mail. A surprise mail from Allison in USA
Outgoing : 230718 ✉Mailed out a letter to USA , and postcards to South Korea and Indonesia . Thank y
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