blacked underwear
ConeThis awesome feature is Vent Mountain, found within the much larger Aniakchak Caldera on the Ala
PREPARING FOR THE WORST IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTAccording to a study released on in 2013, the Pacifi
The biggest water cycleAs I’m writing this, there are a handful of puffy white clouds in the s
The Mexican Subduction ZoneToday, June 23 2020, there was a large magnitude earthquake near Oaxaca,
The world’s oldest chunk of oceanic crust, hiding in plain sight in the Mediterranean?The Midd
Rocky Mountain HighIf you drive from the Mississippi River to Denver, you increase in elevation by o
Hidden in the deep.Deep beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean sits…something intriguing. We’ve never
One island reaching out for anotherNewly born land also seems to feel the need for friendship, as de
The Shaky IslesWhere would you experience 32,800 earthquakes, 80,000 landslides, 1 volcanic eruption
ShiveluchShiveluch volcano is the northernmost active volcano in the Kamchatka Peninsula’s volcanic
Vancouver’s Seismic SceneEven though not everyone in the city may look up every day, many of the mor
unacclimated: Subduction (2013)
In honor of International Mountain Day, lets watch one blow up! This beauty of a picture comes court
Garden of the Gods Natural LandmarkThis striking photograph shows just some of the delightful outcro
Mount Kinabalu at SunriseThis magnificent shadow is cast by Mount Kinabalu at sunrise. Kinabalu form
Subduction through the mantleA few days ago I described the “Wadati-Benioff zone” as one
Carbon … deep downLife on Earth is based on carbon. Plants and animal, oceans and atmosph
India off to the racesAbout 100 million years ago, the Supercontinent Gondwana, composed of what are
Subducted seamountsSubduction zones are some of the most powerful faults in Earth’s crust. The
Major earthquake series strikes Kyushu IslandStarting on Thursday, a series of several large earthqu
Pre-PopoPopocatépetl volcano seen here from the north is the second highest peak in Mexico. I
Wonder lakeOne of the wonders of Denali National Park in Alaska it this beautiful body of water, see
Water coming out of the EarthVolcanic explosions are driven mostly by water and carbon dioxide. When
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