Study Quotes
dammit tony
tinny entertainment
All my exams are done! Now I have 4 months to sleep and eat food, well that’s why I thought bu
“If you want it, work for it. It’s that simple”My first exam is tomorrow!! Good luck to those who ha
Huzurlu bir şekilde git,sana kimin ihityacı olduğunu göreceksin.
Happy Pentecost and One Year Blogiversary!
favourite quotes: john keatsrequested by anon
Wednesday Quotes: Dealing With Pain
Batman - 蝙蝠侠 (biān fú xiá), and Superman - 超人 (chāo rén) are no match for Chinese learners who study
favourite quotes: william faulknerrequested by @breisls
4-15-18Goodmorning! Be as you wish to seem, there’s nothing you can’t do. Just put your mind to it,
The lion shall lie down with the lamb…..and a Little Child shall lead them. -Isaiah 11:6 An A
1.3.17 December has been a hell of a month. My mom passed away after an 8 year battle with breast ca
Finals is approaching, but recitation days are constantly coming. Hold on, February, everything will
Dedikodu zehirlidir!Gözlerinle görmediğin şeylere kulaktan dolma laflarla inanma!
favourite quotes: edgar allan poerequested by @hobbit-studies
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” -Psalm 51:10
An Advent of Inspiration: Day 11!
True story.
An Advent of Inspiration: Day 12!
Living in “The Secret History”Moodboard
MOTIVATION#work #workout #memoire #student #study #studentlife #motivation #inspiration #women #powe
Wednesday’s quotes: Hope: aflowerofgod.blogspot.com/…/wednesdays-quotes-hope.h…“A
There are feelings that hibernatelike bears waiting for spring,others fall asleep which birds on the
The poetry…It´s a feeling made spelling,it´s essence and words,breaking through…Through the chest,An
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