Study Journal
jujutsu edit
me bbcharlotte
elrood:I bought a new journal last week which I will use as an art journal. I really enjoy art journ
@intentjournal Design with integrity via @studyny
100 Days of Productivity ~ 24 December 2020Uni has been wrapped up for the year, and I’ve been worki
studyingsenseless:11.08.18 How are there only 2 months of 2018 left? I feel like it’s going by fa
2 more exams and then I’ll be free!! I’m the type of person to have really interesting i
1st week of exams done, 2 more weeks left till all my exams are finished!Lonely - Jonghyun ft Taeyeo
I feel like this week is going to go really slow.DAY6 - 예뻤어Ig: studyingeries
“If you want it, work for it. It’s that simple”My first exam is tomorrow!! Good luck to those who ha
100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 7th of October 2020I’ve got one month left of Uni
Instagram Post
01.27.17 Too much tv but I love it all
8-5-18One thing that dentistry taught me: It’s okay to make mistakes & be less than perfect. I s
me (last night): *could work ahead on hw and reduce future stress bc i actually didn’t procrastinate
Post from Pinterest
7 jan 2021 - happy new year! I have had a rough start - with all the uncertainty around school and r
hi friends! today i thought i would share what’s in the back pocket of my moleskine, because i keep
isthsnametakenyet:100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 7th of October 2020I’ve got one
100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 30 Sep 2020Completed my law ethics presentation t
3-22-18Orange for autumnPharmacology, you were a pain in my heart. Glad that it was over, Sad that I
30 november 2020 notes on the daily… & a model submission tomorrow!
3-22-18Mint green spread.More bujo? Dentistry study notes? Book captures? Let me know
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