UGA DALL’INFERNO #flyingforpeace #wingsoffreedom #popoliliberi #freeUkraine #flyingfromthehel
Evacuate - New World Order Attempts to evacuate civilians from cities under siege in Ukraine are be
Cyber - New World Order Anonymous has declared a cyber war on Russia in response to its attack on U
Seeds - New World Order Ukrainian woman told Russian soldiers to fill their pockets with seeds so s
Thousands of Ukrainian civilians pick up weapons to help military army and defend Nation. Guerilla W
Volodymyr Zelensky refuses to leave his country to lead from the trenches. Face - New World Order Y
What does freedom mean to you? Freedom - New World Order Once people enjoy the taste of freedom, t
Ok so… as promised here’s the full details of our fundraising campaign for ukraine. &md
Heart to blackwww.deviantart.com/rainbow-zebra-art/art/Heart-to-black-911368881
FUGA DALL’INFERNO #flyingforpeace #wingsoffreedom #popoliliberi #freeUkraine #flyingfromthehe
Взявшие меч мечом погибнутТи, хто взяли меча, від меча і загинуть Нe who took sword, by the sword wi
я люблю свою родину, вроде бы…
Robert Longo, ‘Death Star,’ 1993,The massive ball composed of 40,000 bullets, a number t
Finally few of the blue and yellow benefit requests!Holmes and Watson for dear Valda Rape of Pe
This is how we all should enjoy life: together in love & peace! I am not good with words, b
“Words Kill Wars”In these times of tension between Russia and Ukraine, Adot offers an ad
イラストレーターの波田佳子さんとVarvara Yashchenkoさんがウクライナと世界の平和のためのピースカードリレーを始め、アーティストの相澤史さんよりバトンを受け取りました。次に3人を指名して
@.Atleti #StopWar
What did these soldiers come here for? If they’re for peace, why is there war? We&rsqu
Everybody gone bad. Situation aggravation, Everybody allegation… In the suite on the news
HELP FOR UKRAINE My band @aeoniansorrow is trying to make a big donation through UNICEF in order to
Pavlo Makov, ‘The Fountain of Exhaustion,’ 1995,Drawing on paper,40 x 49 cm@Courtesy The
За рогом сусіда заздрощі з’їдають, Що Вкраїні руси істинні зростають.За талан і правду, з
Lately I can’t quite function normally cause of all the horror that is happening in Ukraine, i
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