Marion Cotillard photographer
Rambling Rose Revisited
JJ Chalon
Yellow-rumped Warbler #yellowrumpedwarbler #warbler #warblers #springmigration #falmouth #capecod #b
Join me, Jeannine Laing of the Franklin Park Tennis Association and other park friends, Sunday, June
Great turnout today for our Bird Walk in Franklin Park, in celebration of Black Birders Week! I had
Great turnout today for our Bird Walk in Franklin Park, in celebration of Black Birders Week! I had
Tomorrow’s the day! Join me, Jeannine Laing of the Franklin Park Tennis Association and ot
Yellow-rumped Warbler ♂️ Join me, Jeannine Laing of the Franklin Park Tennis Association and other p
Yellow-rumped Warbler #yellowrumpedwarbler #warbler #warblers #springmigration #falmouth #capecod #b
Worm-eating Warbler #lifer Starting the week of with a lifer! I went to Connecticut for a couple of
Blackburnian Warbler I actually photographed one for the 1st time at Mount Auburn Cemetery last yea
Yellow Warbler #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #canonr5 #best_birds_of_world #springmigr
Northern Parula I won’t even tell you how many shots I took of this Warbler! Just know it
Great Crested Flycatcher #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_wor
Blue-headed Vireo. When I came across this bird, I was able to get 4 quick shots before it took off.
Least Flycatcher #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world #sprin
Hermit Thrush These have to be one of the easiest migrants to get a photo of, but somehow, this sea
Black-and-white Warbler ♀️ Just as attractive as the male. #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_bir
American Redstart photographed at Barn Island in Connecticut. This little guy gave me so many photo
Prairie Warbler I took about 60 shots of this Warbler and I think 3 of them were ok. Welcome to the
Red-eyed Vireo It’s funny because anytime I get a photo of a Red-eyed Vireo in Franklin P
naturemanmike: Least Flycatcher #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_
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