Posted @withrepost • @neuroqueerasian ableds actually down for accessibility should hand over leader
Posted @withregram • @northern.oak.designs After a recent post about how using my phone can trigger
Posted @withregram • @northern.oak.designs And that’s with white skin privilege, citizenship p
#Repost @undercoverautie (@get_repost)・・・Today’s blog postAutistic Fatigue and Exhaustion. Because I
My Oliver Birthday Bundle yesterday - thank you so much!!@freylivingPlush Olli spends the days with
whenlifegivesyouspoons:When I’m sick of lying and I’m too tired to care to answer the question “How
Has anyone ever heard of Spoon Theory? I made these after making my HP Bars for anyone who uses it t
Helping to spread the word along with my Sissy @ghdcanada and other members of my #chronicillnessfam
My September @bebravebox arrived earlier today, and I absolutely LOVE everything that came in it. I&
My Holiday Season Box from @bebravebox finally arrived on Monday (the Canada Post mail service alway
Reposted from @spoonie.alayna #invisibleillnesses #chronicillnesses #invisibleillnessawareness #chro
RIP Maya Angelou
Living with a Chronic illness…..Be kind because you never know
Small piece of advice….#AsWarrior #StandTall
MEET Face of AS Michael Montoya #YoureNotAlone #JustlikeYou “My father was diagnosed years ago
A Little encouragement for the Spoonies…….#LivingWithAChronicIllness
MEET AS FACE Bijillian Dean MacKinnon and her beautiful son! Here is her story: My story needs some
Love this!
Surgery rescheduled for May 1st… Blessed Beltane. On Samhain 2015 I cast a spell&hell
I dislocated my jaw, so this is my dinner. Let no-one tell you the spoonie life isn’t glam
“But you don’t even look sick.”
I’ve only been recently diagnosed with AS, but I’ve been looking for a diagnosis for ove
Just a friendly reminder to be gentle with yourself. We can be our own toughest critics sometimes, b
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