aot 94
packers football
in network
mama noceda
'murder supplies'
I think a lot about the word remember, how it is the opposite of dismember and so how our memories a
From my poem “Secondly Finally” in my book The Only Worlds We Know. Grab a copy, 50% off
#poetry #slampoetry #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #art #instahub #instagood #streetart #sphinks #the
When I need hope I always find it in nature, it’s resilience and wonder. Whiteness and capital
Hey y’all! All weekend in celebration of “The Only Worlds We Know” first birthday,
Hey y’all! Next Thursday! 7pm CST I’ll be reading my book from front to back, cover to c
From my poem “Just Yesterday” in my book The Only Worlds We Know. 50% all weekend! Just
In just three more days my little books has its first birthday! I can’t believe it’s bee
Join me! 48 hours from now we’ll have some good poetic fun and celebration! My little book tur
Another excerpt from my poem “Just Yesterday” in my book “The Only Worlds We Know&
Taking much time for stillness and healing and reflection this week as I settle in the beginnings of
Hey y’all! This Thursday 8/13 I’ll be celebrating my books first birthday! I’ll be
It’s interesting for me to look at some of these excerpts from my poems and recontextualize th
Two hours until show time! I can’t wait to read y’all ALL, literally, ALL the poems. Thi
Made with @instaquoteapp. #instaquote#instacollage #quoteoftheday #quotes#wisdom #sayings#god#religi
#fashion #hiphop #rap #slampoetry #thesphinks #thinktank ##graffiti #tag #men #poet #red #instagramh
Made with @instaquoteapp. #instaquote #instahub #indie #ilovequotes #quotes #words #quoteoftheday #f
From the poem “searching”. #instaquote #photohub #plant #poetry #poem #ilovequot
Hey y’all! Thursday 8/13 I’ll be celebrating my books first birthday! I’ll be read
#epjazzexchange #slampoetry #hiphop #spokenword #poetry #thesphinks
Made with @instaquoteapp. #instaquote #quotes #wisdom #quotehub #quoteoftheday #truth #honesty #imag
Hey y’all! Two more days until I’ll be celebrating my book’s first birthday! I&rsq
An excerpt from my poem “Rain” in my book The Only Worlds We Know. Join me for lots of s
Thank you Ep jazz exchange for the wonderful pictures ! #epjazzexchange #poetry #slampoetry #spokenw
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