Sims 2 Hood
hiram bingham
william hemmerling
singnal boost
On her days off, or in her spare time, Madison spoke with Caleb. It was a bit awkward, but she had g
Madison: Time for food, baby girl!(Her cat is actually an elder, but that doesn’t stop her from trea
Despite their lack of excitement, and thanks to ACR, the first thing Madison and Caleb did on their
I decorated Madison’s room, and I really love the brighter colors! (Shout out to CC creators, specif
Madison, a few weeks after she had first met Caleb, decided to finally ask him out to lunch at a din
Well, they seem excited.
Madison had to fix the TV because a visiting townie broke it. (Come on, really?)
Madison, a few weeks after she had first met Jacob, decided to finally ask him out to lunch at a din
penig:sunradersimblr:walabia:Opening Valley | A Neighborhood Based on The Sims 2 Intro | No CCI pres
Hugo has his own room, and a mini fridge, so it’s a popular place to hang out. Cassandra prefers her
Summer Solstice fell on a weekend, so they actually got to celebrate. Sadly, the fireworks exploded
Cassandra Goth, Luna and Hugo Villareal, and Sofia Bjergsen have moved into the dorms at Ubrite.
For reasons that are a mystery to me, Cassandra graduated before everyone else. Maybe you just had t
Sofia and Hugo still have each other, so they don’t mind Cassandra’s absence. Luna, however, is bumm
The campus’ signature statue is pretty much always covered in graffiti, but Sofia and Luna still try
Finals were taken on a grim, drizzly day. Thankfully, everyone passed just fine.
New hood: Welcome to Misty Mountains Town. I’m literally in love with the trolley railways, they mak
It’s actually helm from Maldraxxus Armor, just without horns and with repainted hood, but
Welcome to Sim Valley, a short lived test hood that I made to troubleshoot pink flashing in my game.
Oh yeah, I also started like 10 new neighborhoods. Mostly to test terrain defaults and stuff, like t
I downloaded some Fallout 3-extracted hood deco, so of course I had to stuff it into Strangetown.
lowedeus: Hello, comrades!Some weeks ago I found my old exclusive set of hood deco - Big Ben + West
ALT NEIGHBORHOODS UPDATEI just integrated some of the stealth hood families to Alt Pleasantview, Alt
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