Simon Gough
travis smith
best 2021
Simon Gough injects color into the piece Batsman by Brent McKee
Yuletide Booster. Warm up from ages past. Lines from Tony Gregori, with colours from Simon Gough.
Quick Spidey warm up colours from last year. Lines from Tony Gregori, with colours from Simon Gough.
Daredevil warm up colours. Lines from Christoper Steven (on a cover), colours from Simon Gough.
Mister Miracle vs Hela. Colour commission. Lines from Cory Smith, with colours from SImon Gough.
An old Darkseid warm up. Lines from Robert Atkins, with colours from Simon Gough.
Revolutionaries issue #6 cover, from IDW. Lines from Robert Atkins, with colours from Simon Gough.
Dredded Alleyway. Lines by Nate Stockman, with colours from Simon Gough.
Aeon Flux colour commission. Lines by Nate Stockman, with colours by Simon Gough.
Frank. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough!
Evil Within 2 sketch from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
American Werewolf in London. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
Cthulhu. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
Alien Covenant, again. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
Alien Covenant. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
G.I Joe inspired colour commission. Lines by Robert Atkins, colours from Simon Gough.
ROM #11, for IDW Publishing. Out May 2017. Lines by Robert Atkins, with colours from Simon Gough.
Rocketeer Roadster colour commission. Lines from Robert Atkins, with colours from Simon Gough.
Shadow Lass vs Karate Kid (Val). Lines from Eric Gapstur, with colours from Simon Gough.
Wonder Woman warm down. Lines by the excellent Art Thibert, with colours from Simon Gough.
Orion vs Surtur, colour commission. Lines by Andrew Maclean, colours by Simon Gough.
Cthulhu. Lines from Christian DiBari, with colours from Simon Gough.
Karate Kid vs. OMAC by James Harren and Simon Gough
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