abstract motion
food insertion
silversprocket:Andy Warner is not only a long-time contributor to As You Were (he’s four for four ri
silversprocket: Want a free Clementine poster? We print rad art on the backs of all our catalo
Poster for Siren School, being released in full color from @silversprocket! Get a free poster when y
Thanks Razorcake for the kind words about Ben Passmore’s “Goodbye” comic.st
The San Francisco Zine Fest is this Sunday in Golden Gate Park. It’s FREE ADMISSION with hundr
Skaaaa yeeeeaah (sorry not sorry) our buds Mustard Plug are touring the west coast with our other bu
Cometbus 57 is up in our shop, chock full of insightful interviews with important NYC comics figures
July 7, 2010: First encounter with the art of Charlotte Drury
Skaaaa yeeeeaah (sorry not sorry) our buds Mustard Plug are touring the west coast with our other bu
Three enamel pins by Jenn Woodall inspired by her Magic Beatdown comics will debut at the SPX Small
“Years ago Amanda Kirk gave me permission to use her design for a tattoo…. it finally h
Free Comic: Julia Wertz celebrates 311 Day with Sean from AJJ.Check out the whole thing here
Sweat magicians Larry and His Flask are going on tour with the legendary Fishbone, dance your guts o
Silver Sprocket will be at Small Press Expo, Sept 17-18 in Bethesda, with new thrash from Ben Passmo
The San Francisco Zine Fest is this Sunday in Golden Gate Park. It’s FREE ADMISSION with hundr
“The War On Drugs” is an immoral nightmare. “Our Best Shot” is a new comic d
Michael Sweater’s new book of comics, Please Destroy My Enemies, is available for pre-order ri
Catalogs are stupid garbage. Ours are only HALF stupid garbage thanks to art-posters on the back! Ne
Today we’re celebrating our friends The Nib’s relaunch as part of First Look Med
Today’s free comic is Siren School by Isabella Rotman Read the whole thing at silversprocket.n
Hot off the press: Ben Passmore’s “Your Black Friend” in full technico
It’s ussss!!! The most annnnnnoying booth at connnnn!!!!! 1718 with the bunk bed
This grandma wins Best Grandma with our discontinued “If You Take My Beer I Will Fucking K
We work with rad venues.
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