Shiva Parvati
Ivory carving depicting the marriage of Shiva and Parvati. Unknown south Indian artist; 1766. Now
Sculpture (chloritic schist) of the Hindu divine couple Shiva and Parvati, known as an Uma-Mahesvara
Uma-Maheshwara (Parvati and Shiva) Nepal
Someone put a blanket over Shiva and Parvati in a village in Bengal, devotion
Nataraja and Shivakamasundari, Suchindram, Tamil Nadu
Uma-Maheswara, Angeswara Temple, Nuapitapada, Odisha, photo by Kevin Standage
Uma-Maheswara (Shiva and Parvati) eastern India, Pala art
Uma-Mahesvara from Nepal, made of gilt bronze and semiprecious stones. The sculpture depicts Mahesv
The androgynous form of Shiva and Parvati (Ardhanarishvara). Artist unknown; 11th century. From In
Dancing Ardhanariswara (Shiva and Parvati joined) Nepal
Shiva and Parvati, Bengal
Shiva and Parvati
Bhaskareswar Shiva Templeand deities of Shiva (lingam), Ganesha, kartikeya and Parvati,Bhubaneswar,
The Holy Family Descending from Mount Kailasa
Brahma Gatyatri, Vishnu Lakshmi and Shiva Parvati during the Annual Brahma Puja at Shantipur, Bengal
Ardhanarishvara (Composite of Shiva and Parvati), Pre-Angkor period, 7th–8th century, Khmer, Cambodi
Shiva Mahadeva with three heads being the center of Shiva and the others of Bhairava and Parvati, be
Reclined Shiva with Parvati and sages, Tamil Nadu
Shiva and Parvati by Sanat Chatterjee
Shiva rests on Nandi, with Parvati by the side
Uma-Maheswara (Parvati and Shiva) north India
Uma Maheswara at ruined temple, Tamil Nadu
Shiva Limgam with murthis (images) of Shiva and Parvati, Southern Karnataka
Shiva and Parvati abhishekam (holy bath), Kerala, photo by Limelight Photography
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