256 - COMBUSFIELD - This Garfemon’s LEGS spend all day trying to kick its ARMS off of TABLE ED
254 - SCEPTFIELD - This LIZARD-LOOKIN’ cat monster has EYES on the back of its HEAD. Or at lea
262 - MIGHTYFIELD - Mightyfields travel in PACKS, which from afar look like WRITHING MASSES OF TONGU
259 - GARFSHTOMP - Despite rubbing CREAMS on his body every DAY, this Garfemon is slowly becoming a
264 - LINOFIELD - It has had a DEBIT CARD for MANY YEARS, but it has never once USED IT. The debit c
257 - GARFIKEN - It blows out STEAM from its DOWNTOWN FACE to destroy enemies. The enemies aren&rsqu
253 - GROVFYLD - The TAILS growing out of Grovfyld’s body are convenient ICE BREAKERS when it
266 - GARFCOON - It wraps itself in an outer layer of CAT FLESH while its INSIDES ARE COOKIN’.
265 - WURMFIELD - This Garfemon’s LIL FEET are tipped with SUCTION PADS that allow it to cling
271 - GARFBRE - This Garfemon is, you guessed it, a COMPUTER HACKER. It sits in front of MECHANICAL
260 - SWAMPFIELD - It is very BORING. It can drag down any conversation it MEANDERS INTO, usually by
267 - GARFIFLY - It has beautiful JON WINGS, or JOINGS for short. Maybe JONGS would be better, or WI
270 - LOGARF - It has no idea who DLEIFRAG is, despite having the name TATTOOED to the bowl on its H
258 - GARFKIP - The MITTS on the side of its BIG FACE grab the lasagnas to shove into its LIL MOUTH.
255 - GARFCHIC - It has a SAC OF LASAGNA (also known as a LASAGNSAC) in its tummy that allows it to
252 - TREEFIELD - TREEFIELD makes its nest in PILES OF DOG HAIR, which sounds nice but it’s VE
263 - ZIGZAGARF - Not to start a RUMOR, but there’s a rumor just OUT IN THE WORLD that Zigzaga
261 - GARFYENA - This Garfemon’s BUTT is always TUSSLIN’. That’s the whole DESCRIP
264 - LINOFIELD - It has had a DEBIT CARD for MANY YEARS, but it has never once USED IT. The debit c
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