Seb White
roman t
Seb Toots#snowboarding #powderThanks @eaglepassheliski for the amazing trip! : @chadchomlack
whatdiknow: “I think you’re an amazing dad… he already likes you more than me” Aaron x Seb / Their g
Seb Toots #snowboarding #powderThanks @eaglepassheliski for the amazing trip! : @chadchomlack
“The young son of Piraí, in his father’s arms” Awá people ph. by Seb
I paid $150 for a picture with Seb and it gave me fresh content. Thanks Seb!
buxcky-barnes: more pics of seb in jeans and white shirts pls
whatdoiknow:for @susieskinner93
earth-song: Hided white tiger is keeping an eye on me by *Seb-Photos
foccused: by Jade Seba
I need the new chapter (everyone needs it lol)
Shower time! O! Ciel’s face lol
Shower time! O! Ciel’s face lol
This was tooooooooooooooooo cute not to share!
I ship it, I sail it, I Fricking jet ski it hell yes.
I need the new chapter (everyone needs it lol)
sebadasstian-stan:#if dracula and snow white had a baby it would look just like you (via)
Following the Great White Whale by Sebasebi (on tee here)
suchasugarcube-deactivated20140:The Night Shift + black & white [requested by sebastenstan]
Photo by @sebastiandido A white-throated toucan whacking a struggling bat against a tree. Sebasti&aa
If there were more people like Sebastian Stan,the world would be a much better place. He doesn&rsquo
the only trio that matters.
Which is your favorite Kuroshitsuji character?
Gigi Hadid with architecture in “Plain White” for CR Fashion Book #5. Photograph by Sebastian Faena.
akamatthewmurdock:You have a vibranium arm?! That’s awesome dude!
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