viviana fagnani
Thanks so much for having me! Support my art work on Patreon and the store! . Featured: Maddy M Step
SWIPE 10 TIMES. Do you ever just use 16x9 aspect ratio? Check out the last one! Let me know! Thanks
SWIPE TO SEE MORE from this shoot featuring @genalynrickard! Seeking open minded adventure buddies t
Pro tip: “Believe in yourself even when nobody else does”. Allison & I have worked together a fe
SWIPE 10 TIMES to see the rest of this shoot featuring @sashavbas! . Seeking open minded adventure b
SWIPE TO SEE MORE! Seeking open minded adventure buddies this Summer! Visit stephanpartipilo.
SWIPE 10 TIMES! I am so lucky to have met Kiara & Carissa. They’re pretty down to earth & I
SWIPE 7 TIMES to see rest of shoot featuring Kailey! Seeking open minded adventure buddies this Summ
SWIPE 8 TIMES Thank you for supporting my fine art on patreon and my store! I can’t thank enough. Go
Special thanks to Morgan & her mom for coming out & collaborating on these urban street vibe
Special thanks to Morgan & her mom for coming out & collaborating on these urban street vibe
Thank you for supporting my art work on Patreon and the store! Thank you for helping me continue doi
How do you find your inner peace? . Featured: Chloe Stephan Partipilo Bare Feet Portrait Artist http
SWIPE 10 TIMES . Thanks so much for supporting me on Patreon and the Store. Being an independent art
SWIPE 10 TIMES . Featured: Tiffany Stephan Partipilo Bare Feet Portrait Artist linktr.ee/spa
s p r i n g _ . Featured: Hailey H Stephan Partipilo Bare Feet Portrait Artist linktr.ee/spa
SWIPE 7 TIMES “You’re my golden hour, the color of my sky, you set my world on fire, and I know ever
Thanks so much for supporting me on Patreon and the Store. Being an independent artist is all I’ve e
Featured: Devyn Photographer: Stephan Partipilo Camera: 5D Mk IV Lens: 30mm f/1.4, 50mm f/1.4. Light
Featured: Sophia and Celestial Photographer: Stephan Partipilo Camera: 5D Mk IV Lens: 24-70mm f/2.8
Featured: Madi W. Photographer: Stephan Partipilo Camera: 5D Mk IV Lens: 24-70mm f/2.8 Lighting: Nat
Il tempo porta sempre mutamenti. Una pellicola di 50 anni forse ha acquistato un fascino che prima n
Coral by Ig_fotografia on Flicr at flic.kr/p/21fyPyu
I really love pushing this film 1 stop on Kodak D76. Model @hannahlevant #el3imagery #blackandwhitei
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