Richard Daskas
twisted tg
rilo kiley
abdl poetry
abdl culture
tights guy
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PhotoshopAdult SwimBackground paintings for new season of Samurai Jack. It’
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimBackgrounds I painted for flashback sequence in third ep
SAMURAI JACK“XCVII”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimA few digital paintings I did matching locations from t
SAMURAI JACK“XCIX”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimA few from last weekends episode, digital paint by mysel
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PhotoshopAdult swimA few more bg’s I painted from new Samurai Jack, layouts
MONSTERS VS ALIENS(2007) PhotoshopDreamworks AnimationThe War Room image is a visual development pai
THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR (2014) Photoshop Dreamworks Animation Color/lighting keys.
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PhotoshopAdult swimA few more bg’s I painted from new Sam
SAMURAI JACK“XCIX”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimA few from last weekends episode, digital pa
SAMURAI JACK“XCVII”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimA few digital paintings I did matching loca
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PHOTOSHOPAdult SwimBackgrounds I painted for flashback sequence
SAMURAI JACK“XCIV”(2016) PhotoshopAdult SwimBackground paintings for new season of Samur
ZODIAC (Working Title)(2014) PhotoshopOriental DreamworksMore visual development from the canceled&n
ZODIAC (Working Title)(2014) PhotoshopOriental DreamworksVisual development painting for bad guys of
ZODIAC (Working Title)(2014) PhotoshopOriental DreamworksVisual development for ODW/Dreamworks proje
TROLLS(2015) PhotoshopDreamworks AnimationVisual development of Bergen Castle interior. Took inspira
POPEYE (2012) Photoshop Sony Pictures Animation Poster done for Genndy Tartakovsky’s Popeye pr
PUSS IN BOOTS(2010) PhotoshopDreamworks AnimationVisual development painting done for first test sho
KUNG FU PANDA(2003) PhotoshopDreamworks AnimationVisual Development paintings for KFP 1. Po in the t
PUSS IN BOOTS (2010) Photoshop Dreamworks Animation Concepts for the Giants castle.
SINBAD (2000) Acrylic Dreamworks Animation Me painting a background pan for Sinbad that I split into
SYM-BIONIC TITAN (2010) Photoshop Cartoon Network Miscellaneous background paintings I did for anoth
MR. PEABODY AND SHERMAN (2007) Photoshop Dreamworks Animation Early visual development for Peabody a
SINBAD (2001) Acrylic/Photoshop Dreamworks Animation Visual development painting done mostly using A
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