Remedy Control
legendary sannin 20
air force 1
Jesse Faden | 02.02.2021 | ControlCaptured on PS5.Edited in PhotoshopTextures from Ambient Light (sh
“The Oldest House is very bad at being an office. It’s very good at being a Church”Control (2019)
Hiss-Infected Ritual Division - Control (2019)
TOKYO ROSE X XFAN ART (PC MOD) - 2 of 3UltrawideAdditional mods by reg2k, and ilikedetectives.Came
Astral Copy/NPC/VariantControl (2019)
Added many lore references and 1% foreshadowing in there - triangles!!!!!!! - The organic red x geom
Today’s heroine is Jesse Faden from Control by Remedy.
The Hotline, says the dead man? Okay.
mattelektras: you called me so here i am.
mikaeled: August 4, 1964. Bureau Agents discovered the Oldest House, investigating an Altered World
fbcbreakroom:Control (2019) - Jesse vs the Hiss
fbcbreakroom:Control (2019) - Melee That second picture is perfect
artevalentinapaz:I don’t know if these have been posted before? (thanks, tumblr search) Extracted f
virtualfotodivision: Jesse Faden | 08.17.2021 | ControlMods by reg2k, @ilikedetectives and I.
That shit the Hiss are spouting… I’ve seen parapsychosis, but what the hell is a&nb
diversity win! your malevolent Hiss-possessed altered mirror reflection who’s actively trying
wolfamongthem: CONTROL | THE F O U N D A T I O N (March 26, 2020)
fbcbreakroom: For this FadenFriday Jesse moving her buddies out of Investigations You can also
new sprinkler system malfunction, or is it
files, files, lots of filesPatreon reward for which I tested inks, which are let me you, difficult t
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