confectionerybliss:Cheesecake Cookies | La Receta De La Felicidad
Fried green tomatoes with bison flank and cantaloupe (traduccion abajo) Ingredients to make fried gr
Muscle Muffin! This is better than McDonald’s and #uoeno! Start your morning off right and tak
Corn, black bean and pico de gallo stuffed avocado with shrimp. Boom! (traduccion abajo) Ingredients
Starting off the day with an egg white, asparagus and brown rice & quinoa frittata, with half pi
(via Galletas de aceite | La receta de la felicidad)
Protein Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de Mani de Proteína)Watch the HOW TO video here - youtu.be
Stuffed bell peppers with extra lean grass fed beef, wheat pearl couscous, jalapenos and a green smo
3 Meals prepped for the week! Tempeh, brown rice, black quinoa, red bell peppers, cucumber slices BB
Spicy chicken salad with grilled eggplant slices and arugula, with fresh mango slices. This is a gre
Spicy madras & curry deviled eggs with chicken breast and mixed green salad. Boom. (traduccion a
Cocina en miniatura.Mira los vídeos aquí: Este cocinero prepara unos platos en miniatura deliciosos.
Detox Beet & Fruit smoothie to cleanse the liver and “get you on the regular” Boom.
Palmeritas!* / Palmiers!* / Elephant Ears Cookies!* Receta: crazybaker.tumblr.com/post/15031
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