Protection Witchcraft
RUNES STATIONERY SETI’ve been going completely stir crazy waiting for the printing proof of the rune
Crystals To ward Negativity
ᛉ Algiz2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring stones and plant
Keep this digital sigil on your blog for magical protection that wards off nightmares, bugs, monster
fuckyeahpaganism:Hag stones, also known as Holey Stones or Witch Stones, are stones that have a natu
TIGER’S EYEGood Luck & ProsperitySupport StoneProtectionCourage & BraveryAids AnxietyStrengt
I admit I was bummed out to be done with the runes… so I kept swimming. Botanical bind rune i
Second of the early Irish Ogham: Luis, “blaze”, associated with rowan treeMeaning: Protection, conne
Magickal Herbs
Inktober (Anitober) October 20 : Breakable
It’s never a bad idea to drop a crystal in your bag when you’re headed out the door for a weekend tr
New Year’s botanical bind rune - Covering all the bases to keep 2019 in check with angelica archange
LEAD Energy: ReceptivePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthAssociated Herbs: Rose, Nettle, Rue, CuminPowers:
The Protection Witches Ball from our Yule Mystery Box was so beautiful. I loved making these, they w
Crystal Herbalism - ‘Tis The Season Of The Witch October, the month of the blood moon and
Crystal Herbalism - Samhain The Full Moon will rise Oct 31st, casting its mothers glow upon the eart
SELENITE Energy: ReceptivePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Reconciliation, Energy Magical Uses: Sel
an-aspiring-witch: My Home Is Protected Spell Jar! I made my first spell jar! Its purpose is to prot
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