Projection Design
egor kreed
pinoy tublrista
“Astral Projection” Volume I: Genesis // Instagram // 6th Void Radio
Anglo-Saxon and Viking personal ornamentation and combs, The Museum of East Riding, June 2017.
‘Logsogumadhr’ Poem, June 2017.
“ONCE”Scenic & Projection Design by Bryce Cutler
prostheticknowledge: H OM E OMOR PH ISM Projection installation by Ouchhh that is designed to be pre
Concrete Meets Video Meets Paintinginstallation view
“Orpheus Unsung: An Opera for the Electric Guitar” @ The Guthrie TheaterSet & Pr
Shadow (Eurydice Speaks), Schaubuhne BerlinDirector: Katie Mitchell
Segments from Hooping by Simba Joslin. Filmed and edited in After Effects, made to be projected
Die Borderline Prozession, Schauspiel DortmundWriter/Director: Kay Voges
89/90, Schauspiel Leipzig Director: Claudia Bauer
bobbycaputo: Dmytro Kupriyan | When The War is Over
Luminous Intent Festival Stage Design Concept
Fictional LandscapesDefinitely, Chernikhov’s graphic representation anticipated a Century, it
“Projection” Steffy by @alexvnderblvck
Installation View of Concrete Meets Video Meets PaintingI projection mapped a video onto a ceme
Paranoia Girls: Page 31Pictures: Yunico UchiyamaWords: Patrick MaciasTranslation / Coordination: Mar
Astral TV 2017
bobbycaputo: Dmytro Kupriyan | When The War is Over
10th century CE Ancient Crosses and Anglo Saxon features of Penmon Priory, Anglesey, North Wales, 13
89/90, Schauspiel Leipzig Director: Claudia Bauer
Viking and Anglo-Saxon personal ornamentation and beads, The Museum of East Riding, Hull, June 2017.
FEAR, Berlin SchaubuhneDirector: Falk Richter
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