evangelion kaworu
birb starter alert !! that leaf bowtie hhh +___+
There were lots of great new buddies in Pokémon Moon, but these might actually be my favorites. I lo
sorry no English translation甘えたいイリマ君
It’s Pokemon day so of course I’m reppin’ TEAM SKULL TODAY! TABLE 425
Come on down and see YA BOI KAIJUKAT at ANIME IMPULSE this weekend in Pomona! Only $11 to get in ‼️I
Me and my Shiny Team ⭐ Tried to stay true to the Pokemon art style. This fanart was really fun to do
Finally took the time to finish humanoid Lunala from Pokemon ☀️ I’ll Do Solgaleo next Hop
Feeling inspired by #Lillie and #cosmog / #nebby from #PokemonSunandMoon So sweet. ♡♡♡
Sorry for inactivity guys, it’s been a hard few weeks, but I finally got something post-ab
Don’t look at me, you guys voted for this . . . #art #artwork #pokemon #pokemonfanart #to
It’s Pokemon day so of course I’m reppin’ TEAM SKULL TODAY! TABLE 425
Come on down and see YA BOI KAIJUKAT at ANIME IMPULSE this weekend in Pomona! Only $11 to get in ‼️I
Quite a long drawing session today, my pen’s battery died on duty for first time in this s
My beautiful partner in crime is actually an amazing photographer and amazing at editing. I mean jus
The seventh generation of Pokémon starts strong with one of my favorites, thank you for votin
Me and my Shiny Team ⭐ Tried to stay true to the Pokemon art style. This fanart was really fun to do
These two dorks were my first otp. I am too happy to see them together.
[ #PM60分 ] 沙丘娃! 遇水凝固後有電電蟲躲進去⚡️ 蠻喜歡這張的ㄟ覺得很有意境^^(自己講 後面的雨有一半都是用CSP內建的下雨工具畫的 好爽喔 電腦畫得比我好看 使
I’ve become a #pokemon #miitomo #nintendo #sudowoodo #gaymer #gaymers #pokemonsunandmoon #
Rowlet paint blobs for a quick warmup
[ #PM60分 ] 泡影的詠嘆調 畫了阿羅拉御三家的西獅海壬✨ 開始玩妖精隊之後才和牠建立感情 玩單打被這招救了很多次! 看到題目就覺得一定要畫使用專用技能時頭髮散開的樣子✨ 後來
[ #PM60分 ] 蘭螳花 為了豐富一下版面(?)貼個舊作 寶可夢日月的草系PM神奇寶貝 日光刃集氣中✨ 這張是用 #clipstudiopaint 畫的所以沒有影片XD (現在cli
Full photo of our goddess eeveelutions ☀️✨✨ Espeon: @jeybells Umbreon: Me! : @maladjustedfreak Mor
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