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‘The inner workings of a bacterial pathogen’ project by Travis Wiles via Behance
Pathogen ResistanceI’ll just leave this here.
Pathogen ResistanceVia XKCDAlt/title text:“We’re not not trapped in here with th
Tranzschelia fusca rust fungus producing teliospores on wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa).
A leaf spot disease on common aspen leaves (Populus tremula).
Plenty of conidiospores of powdery mildew fungus (Podosphaera leucotricha) on an apple tree (Malus s
Polystigma rubrum -fungus causing yellowish-brown lesions on plum tree leaves (Prunus domestica).
Puccinia caricina -rust fungus on common nettle (Urtica dioica). The fungus produces aeciospores on
My workmate brought me these diseased Passiflora caerulea -leaf samples. The fungus causing the powd
The dead caraway stem (Carum carvi) and plenty of pycnidia of Phoma exigua fungus.
Gymnosporangium clavariiforme -rust fungus causing disease on juniper (Juniperus communis). Teliospo
Erysiphe symphoricarpi -powdery mildew fungus infecting western snowberry (Symphoricarpos occidental
Root rot causing fungus (Armillaria mellea -group) producing rhizomorps on Norway spruce (Picea abie
Mossy maze polypores (Cerrena unicolor) growing on fallen birch trees (Betula sp.).
Leaf spot disease symptoms on Fiber Hemp (Cannabis sativa).
Powdery mildew fungus (Phyllactinia fraxini) producing chasmothecia on European ash (Fraxinus excelc
Rhytisma salicinum -fungus causes willow tar spot symptoms on Salix plants.
Shot hole disease (Stigmina carpophila -fungus) symptoms on plum leaves (Prunus domes
aqua-regia009: The Pathogen - Bill Mayer
aqua-regia009: The Pathogen - Bill Mayer
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