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Parsha Poster #45 – Va’etchanan: Fiery wordsAnd you approached and stood at the foot of
Parsha Poster #49 – Ki Tetze: Mercy’s for the birds When you encounter the nest of a bir
Parsha Poster #48 – Shoftim: Getting a witness One witness shall not stand against a man for a
Parsha Poster #47 – Re’eh: What’s for dinner These are the beasts that you may eat
Parsha Poster #46 – Ekev: Golden gods Then I saw and behold, you had sinned to the Lord your G
Parsha Poster #44 – Devarim: Look outOn the other side of the Jordan, Moshe began explaining t
Parsha Poster #42 & 43 – Matot & MaseiMatot: The children of Israel took
Parsha Poster #41 – Pinchas: Empowering questions Then drew near the daughters of Zelophehad&a
Parsha Poster #40 – Balak: Beastly wordsAnd the ass saw the angel of God, and she lay down und
Parsha Poster #39 – Chukat: Anger management And God spoke to Moshe, saying: “Take t
Parsha Poster #38 – Korach: Earthly appetitesAnd they assembled themselves together against Mo
Parsha Poster #37 – Shelach: Clandestine vintage And Moshe sent them to spy out the land of Ca
Parsha Poster #36 – Beha’alotecha: Cloudy directions And on the day that the Mishkan was
Parsha Poster #35 – Naso: A jealous cocktail Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If any m
Parsha Poster #34 – Bamidbar: Plant your flag The children of Israel shall camp by banner with
Parsha Poster #33 – Bechukotai: Heavenly blessings and curses If you follow in my laws and kee
Parsha Poster #32 – Behar: Give it a rest Speak to the members of Israel saying: When you come
Parsha Poster #31 – Emor: Dutiful fruit Speak to the members of Israel saying: the 15th day of
New Parsha Posters stuff in time for Chanuka! The Parsha Posters book features all 54 posters a
Parsha Poster #54 – V’zot HaB’racha: Passing on And Yehoshua the son of Nun was fu
Parsha Poster #53 – Ha’azinu: Torah to the people “Listen, heaven, and I will
Parsha Poster #52 – Vayelech: Torah to the people Moshe commanded them saying, “At t
Parsha Poster #51 – Nitzavim: Ingathering crowds Then God will bring back your captivity and h
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