Pacific Parrotlet
I have a teenager on my hands! December 8th was Flash’s 13th hatch day! I still can’t quite wrap my
Merry Christmas from mister Flash and me!Beautiful bouquet from Susie and Katie (thank you again!),
I am so thankful that 12 years ago today this bright and beautiful little bundle of baby birdie good
Snow bird. ❄️ (Don’t worry. No Flashes were harmed in the making of this image. He was only outside
tootricky:Lily the young pacific parrotlet
Bird of the day: When writing, do not question bird’s suggestions. He knows what he’s doing.
The Easter bird.
The bug incident.
Bird of the day: Bird wants to know why the groundhog lied to him.
Fort is for BIRDS ONLY, no hands!
Bird of the day:Birds love Australian boys
I’m starting with the bird in the mirror
All I wanted was a cool photo through a cardboard tube.Jack thought I was trying to attack.
Bird of the day: Angry birds get blurry.
Bird of the day: Bird shows off his good side
Bird of the day: a St. Patrick’s day bird
Bird of the day: chilling in the sun.
Bird of the day: Bird lays in wait for the next fingers to fall victim to him.
Bird of the day: Bird enjoys pen tickles.
Bird of the day: Chewing is fun.
I can’t even begin to express just how incredibly grateful and relieved I am that Flash is sti
I have a teenager on my hands! December 8th was Flash’s 13th hatch day! I still can’t qu
Happy 4th of July to you all from my little (red), white and blue guy! #flashtheparrotlet #kristine
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