Orchard Garden
biodiverseed:Grafted Purple-Leafed Contorted HazelRootstock: Turkish Tree Hazel (Corylus colurna)Sci
Malaga radishes are getting darker. A few of them are regular colored and you can easily tell the di
I love working in the orchard garden in the evenings, but this period at the beginning of summer is
Also! Look at these! I mentioned before how I didn’t think the Redlove apple tree would produce any
I’m the happiest during wildflower season, when I can come home from the orchard with armfuls of the
Love these little Japanese Quinces. If only they’d grow faster.
Don’t remember walnut catkins being quite this big in the past years, but they look pretty cool now.
Some of the first strawberries to show signs of ripening are the ones I planted last, at the orchard
Redlove apple flowers! I know we won’t get any apples from it for a while as it’s still very young,
Cherry/sour cherry blooms and stormy skies.To be honest, I think this cold and wet spring has actual
Dandelions at the orchard are unusually large this year.
Jillian | The Noisy Plume
Potato rows and a lone parsnip in the middle, leftover from last year.
I don’t like to let my arugula flower, yet here we are, again.
Sora Radish and “Orchard Radnip” (as I’m calling them) harvest. The purple one app
From the orchard in the Montreal Botanical Gardens.
Garden with blossoming fruit trees - Aulie ReidarNorwegian 1904-1977Oil on canvas
Orcas Island, Washington August 2020
For those of you that were confused about the Teddy Bear sunflowers seeds.
It wasn’t a good year for cauliflower & broccoli. I planted so many and this is one of
Slowly starting to clean up the garden for winter.
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