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Happy Friday, loves! A big welcome to my new followers and huge gratitude for all of you who have be
First reading after the U.S Elections. From the battle grounds of the Morrigan deep change is herald
Hapi Full Moon in Ma’at ✨⚖️✨ directly opposite Amun (Aries)✨✨ we’re talking AIR and FIRE the energy
Always a huge favourite of mine #petitlenormand #lenormand #lenormandcards #lenormanddeck #lenorman
I can sum this whole reading up in the words of the 20th Century #HopePunk prophetess Octavia Butler
Are you keeping count? Patreon | Instagram | Facebook | Ko-fiOmer Day 25: Netzach shebe'Netzach Eter
I can sum this whole reading up in the words of the 20th Century #HopePunk prophetess Octavia Butler
♡Today’s Oracle Reading: Do You Need To Recapture Your Personal Power? Use A Golden Topaz
#dailychronicles for November 24th. Have you been focused on your future recently? Dreams is a card
✨Oracle des Esprits Guides, Camille Billotey J'avoue que je craignais un peu un énième
Hapi Full Moon in Ma’at ✨⚖️✨ directly opposite Amun (Aries)✨✨ we’re talking AIR and FIRE
I was just shuffling cards, a kinetic activity to soothe my worried mind. I am, as I always am, pain
When your oracle deck is trolling you because there is in, fact, nothing but rain today. But probabl
What do you need to relax? Really, I just need it all. Money and power and security, stability and t
The Tessera Oracle - this has to be one of the most innovative and beautifully produced oracles I ha
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