Olympus Xa2
jumping badger
antiques knives
Yumenoshima park
Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam
Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam
mhplanet:~ Tan-y-Coed ~Olympus XA2 and Kodak Ultramax 400
Paris - 2014 (olympus xa2)
Cage by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Olympus XA2, Rollei Superpan 200 Rodinal Amsterdam, Netherlands
Big talk by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Hong Kong Olympus XA2, Kodak Gold 200
Uptown pants by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Hong Kong Olympus XA2, Kodak Gold 200
Amsterdam by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Olympus XA2, Rollei Superpan 200 Rodinal 1/50 Amsterdam, Netherl
Uptown pants by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Hong Kong Olympus XA2, Kodak Gold 200
Amsterdam by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Olympus XA2, Rollei Superpan 200 Rodinal 1/50 Amsterdam, Netherl
Gdynia, Poland 2017 / Olympus XA2 / Kodak Gold expired film
Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam
mag-img: Paris - 2014 (olympus xa2)
Buzeins - 2014 (Olympus XA2) plus de photos sur mag-img.tumblr.com
Cage by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Olympus XA2, Rollei Superpan 200 Rodinal Amsterdam, Netherlands
Big talk by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Hong Kong Olympus XA2, Kodak Gold 200
Shinjuku, TokyoOlympus XA2 & Leica M2 with a 50mm f2 Summicron lens#PhotoHoHoHo2021
Paris - 2014 (olympus xa2)
Such a cute couple (they probably would be a couple if I weren’t around haha >__<
Paris - 2014 (olympus xa2)
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