Noriaki Kakyoin
a summary of my life as an artist and a jojo fan for the past 2 years
supremecatlord:kakyoin is doing fine guys
My friend @mybrotherthinksiminsane said Kakyoin’s should have come back wearing heart-shaped sunglas
wow cant belive Kakyoin is alive and fine and has a big role in part 4 and Araki just forgot to draw
This is stupid and i take no responsibility for it. I put all the blame on my gf for throwing her ga
Kakyoin gave him the mug- jolyne is an unemployed toddler with no money to buy joke gifts
I just wanna scream, I just wanna explode
So I thought about how Kakyoin’s pose kinda looked like a magical girl one, and this happened.
a drunk sandwich with a very sober middle
Some chibis from part 3~I’m officially a jojo trashCOMMISSIONS OPEN~ And Sketches Commissions
~ reverse psychology (ch14) by TheRainbowKnightthat awkward moment when you ask your psych prof for
Jotaro & KakyoinCommissions are open, chibis like this are $10 more info here ^^
“Walk like egiptian” plaing in the distance)Preparing for group photoshoot! Follow team instagram to
Give me youe hand, Kakyoin… Let’s go! Fem! Jotaro- www.instagram.com/asamiryuichi…Fem! Kakyoi
Genderbender JJBA or “Why can’t cool character be a girl?”))))
We made this photos in August on the Volga river! Photos with water is the best!
two schoolgirls vs two vampires! Jotaro https://www.instagram.com/asamiryuichi/Kakyoin https://www
Stardust Crusaiders future cosplay) Fem! Jotaro & Kakyoin make-up and wig test )
deep seathe whole canvas size is 6000 x 3000
Halloween has passed, but we have photos!Vampire girl Kakyoin and a bit shocked Jotaro)
…Oh? A visitor? Subordinate, go see who’s at the door. -DIOL: fuck do you want–L:&helli
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