Netherlandish Renaissance
Venus instructs Cupid to fire an arrow at Pluto’s heart, from The Story of Pluto and Proserpin
The Abduction of Proserpine by Pluto by Cornelis Cort (1565)
The Battle Between Scipio and Hannibal at Zama by Cornelis Cort (1550-78)
The Immortal Rewards of Virtue by Cornelis Cort (1564)
Saint Veronica, Robert Campin, 1410
The Mourning Mary Magdalene, Colijn de Coter, ca. 1500-04
Deposition, unknown Flemish master (active 1470s in Brussels)
Prophet Micheas (Micah), from the Ghent Altarpiece, Jan van Eyck, 1432
The Dream of Pope Sergius, Rogier van der Weyden, 1437-40
Saint John the Evangelist Weeping, Colijn de Coter, ca. 1500-1504
Jan de Beer, The Annunciation, c. 1475-1528. Oil on panel, 67.9 x 52.4 cm. Private collection.
Martyrdom of St. John the Evangelist, unknown Northern Netherlandish artist, ca. 1518-25
Portrait of a Man (Self-Portrait?), aka Portrait of a Man in a Turban, Jan van Eyck, 1433
Mater Dolorosa (Sorrowing Virgin), workshop of Dieric Bouts, between 1480 and 1500
Saints Catherine and Barbara, Master of Frankfurt, ca. 1510-20
Portrait of a Woman, unknown Netherlandish artist, ca. 1510-1550
The Visitation, from the Altarpiece of the Virgin (St. Vaast Altarpiece), Jacques Daret, ca. 1434-35
Saint Barbara, Master of the Embroidered Foliage, ca. 1500
The Adoration of the Magi, Ambrosius Benson, ca. 1530
Saint Jerome, Master of Saint Giles, ca. 1500
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh (An Allegory of the Dinteville Family), Master of the Dinteville Alle
Portrait of a Lady, follower of Antonis Mor, 16th century
A Lady Reading (Saint Mary Magdalene), Master of the Female Half-Lengths, ca. 1530
The Adoration of the Christ Child, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen and workshop, ca. 1515
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