Negative Confession
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“Why does Aly get more public support from swimsuit models and Hollywood actors then she does from N
“I wish people would stop making everything about race whenever they see a dark skinned charac
“I’m kinda disappointed with how this arc has concluded. Domi and Jeanne are talking
“Ummmm why am I seeing people thinking it was Luna who put the feves in the cake for misha to
“For all that vanitas is a popular character, oddly I feel a lot of people only like or care e
“No offense to anyone, but a lot of vnc theories aren’t “theories,” they sou
“I’m not anti-vanijeanne or anything but it does bother me when people interpret Van
“I’m indifferent towards Dominique. I don’t love her, but I don’t hate her e
“I really can’t get into Vanitas & Jeanne. I just end up skipping their long
“Very sad how everything in the vnc fandoms has become about ships. The only thing this fandom
“I really appreciated anime’s Astolfo background gives us character design with eyes
“I love both Vanitas and Jeanne as characters, but I really hope they don’t end up toget
“I hate to be that person, but i like the manga better than the anime.i didn’t reall
“I’ve seen the spoiler of new chap and I don’t want to be disappointed but
“assault tw // we really need to talk about people’s obsession with “dubio
“Why doesn’t the fanbase talk about how ridiculous it is for Dominique to hate Jeann
“As someone whos been in the vnc fandom since the beginning but hasnt been on tumblr for a lon
“Lot of people hating on Roland and Noè for being sunshines, saying they’re b
“yeah, vnc is a vampire story and blood-sucking is a crucial part of it, since mochijun wanted
“VNC it’s not taken seriously because a lot of idiots just care about shipwar in thi
“a lot of vnjn shippers seem to think that everyone hates their ship when… honestly, it
“I didn’t know how to “confess” but I just really wanna say that
“Can I just say how much I love people who start vnc for the first time and who start out ship
“I have zero respect for people in the fandom who tag their hate and negative posts. When I go
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