nfa firearms
human kind
It has been a cold winter for this nine-banded Armadillo. Certainly not a subject that I expected to
We’ve fallen in love with this buffalo, his eye makes such soulful promises…He is the s
Meet the newest species from Madagascar: Platypelis ranjomena! We just published the scientific desc
A wip of a coyote soft mount we’re working on! Our first coyote and quiet a challenge with an
Rare Boththremydidae side neck turtle skull identified by the Natural History Museum, London. This i
Thrilled to announce the description of one of the largest #frogs in #Madagascar, Mantidactylus rada
Sending out this 1930s Natural History magazine cover today. Don’t you just love the markings
New #exhibition at my local #museum of #naturalhistory #gastornis #propaleotherium #fossil #skeletto
With J. Walker @ the #nhm #NaturalHistory #museum #la #happy #intheWILD
Spring Sale! Use code SPRING15 for 15% OFF any order. And, as we continue shipping from our worksh
Everything’s in the kiln and ready! Can’t wait to check everything tomorrow! I will do a live around
What would you call this piece? Fun fact: one thing I like to do when I’m stressed out is flip
While weather doesn’t help out, the figurines keep increasing their numbers. I have quite the collec
There is something very unique about living with a parrot. A dog may see you as his master and a hor
Work in progress. No feathers, but still wings I actually really love moths, more so than butterflie
HALLOWEEN SALE 2020! For a limited time, some of our spookiest pieces are on sale! The FLYING FOX BA
HALLOWEEN SALE 2019!To celebrate our favorite holiday, save big on some of our spookiest pieces! For
From: Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813. American ornithology, or, The natural history of the birds of th
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