Museum Professional
Our final installment of the Power Shift: Becoming an Artist Entrepreneur series is this Thursday, N
What’s up everyone! I’m Syd, the Assistant of the Brooklyn Museum’s Apprentice Program. The Museum A
Some amateurs can be more passionate about playing their sport than the pros, and talented photograp
Among one of the last groups to leave the South was the Negro professional who was forced to follow
The flatness is primarily due to a lack of training! Most professional painters in the colonies had
Hello! We are the 2018 Brooklyn Museum Summer Interns and Fellows. Over the course of next 10 weeks
a_n Professional Development Bursary 2018I will be travelling to New York during May thanks to a dev
R. Michael Palan is a professional artist from Westchester County, New York. He created this Nativit
a_n Professional Development Bursary 2018I will be travelling to New York during May thanks to a dev
Want to talk about a book that’s changed you as a museums and galleries type person?The Mu
Among one of the last groups to leave the South was the Negro professional who was forced to follow
As a professionally trained archivist and historian who grew up in South Carolina, The Legacy of Lyn
Museum Professionals please take a moment to answer!
Join a dynamic group of emerging arts professionals to re-envision the future of museums and work on
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