Mits Design
yang xiaolong
no churn
scottish mythology
sequential art
Redrew the very first warrior cats designs that I made 4 years ago, I had a whole lotta fun with the
massiveluxuryoverdose: “Noah Twins” Carrier, Mitsi Studio Concept
Mitski, Japanese Breakfast, Jay Som at Lincoln Hall in Chicago. On sale now at leslieherman.
胸がはち切れそうで one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge i’m on baby
【暦擬人化 その32】 9/7~9/11は第43候・草露白(くさのつゆしろし)。 草の露が白い粒のようにきらきらと光る季節。 「露(朝露・白露)」は大気中の水蒸気が冷え草花の表面に水滴となってついたも
【暦擬人化 その31】 9/2~9/6は第42候・禾乃登(こくものすなわちみのる)。 穀物が実りの時を迎え、稲穂が黄金色になる季節。 「禾(のぎ)」は穀物の総称で、 五穀豊穣の「五穀」は米、麦、粟、豆
【今日の暦擬人化 その18】 6/26~6/30は第29候・菖蒲華(あやめはなさく)。 アヤメ(科)の花が咲く季節。 「いずれ菖蒲か杜若」は、菖蒲も杜若もよく似た美しい花で 区別が難しいことからきた言
【暦擬人化 その23】 7/23~7/27は第34候・桐始結花(きりはじめてはなをむすぶ)。 初夏に咲いた桐の花が実を結ぶ季節。 桐は木目美しく良質な木材として有名ですが、 中国では「桐の木にだけ鳳凰
【暦擬人化 その12】 5/26~5/30は第23候・紅花栄(べにばなさかう)。 紅花が満開になり一面に咲く季節。 七十二候の花で唯一「栄」と表される紅花。 万葉集や古今和歌集では末摘花(すえつむはな
CMC Veryca by Chester Lu (Tsung-Han).
1579, Mitsuhide’s BetrayalAfter crushing the Takeda at Nagashino and further successful campai
Kushida Mitsuhiro poster for The Little Match Girl 1967.-Shop | Goods Collection  
artbylittlemissluna:Mitsuki design for a sticker!
japanesefashioninferno:The complete version of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is up now, plus an a
The Summer Sale at the TokyoScope store continues with discounts on our new RMvsVM shirt featuring o
japanesefashioninferno:Part 2 of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is live! Mary and Shozo have a pla
The complete version of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is up now, plus an afterword about the stor
japanesefashioninferno:BACK IN STOCK! Our exclusive XXXL oversized T-shirt designed by MITSUME (@3ey
Part 3 of the new short story THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is live as Mary and Shozo discover th
Part 2 of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is live! Mary and Shozo have a plan to fight back a
Part 1 of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is live! This SF story set in Tokyo and Haraj
japanesefashioninferno: The complete version of THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is up now, p
Part 3 of the new short story THERE’S NO MORE TOMORROW (TODAY) is live as Mary and Shozo disco
The Summer Sale at the TokyoScope store continues with discounts on our new RMvsVM shirt featuring o
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