mini-girlz:So-called Ephedrismos group, two girls, one on the back of the other girl. Greece, 300-25
mini-girlz:sinopupil:CoolThis pretty much sums up my blog
mini-girlz:Greek Terracotta Aphrodite.South Italycirca 3rd Century B.C.via > sergio mundi / pinte
mini-girlz:Mother & Child FigurineArchaeological museumAthens by Aleksandr Zykov on Flickr (cc)&
mini-girlz:Lorestan bronze, fibula showing a woman giving birth between 2 antelopes, ornamented with
mini-girlz:Tanagra Terracotta3rd century BC Greece
mini-girlz:Girl holding a fan Greek PLACE OF MANUFACTURE Tanagra, Boiotia, Greece
mini-girlz:Bactrian Sitting Princessca. 2500-1500 BCComposite stone statuette, representing a seated
mini-girlz:Carved Folk Art Painted Mermaid FigureThe carved figure of a mermaid has curly hair and h
mini-girlz:Great Mothers6300-5300 BCEvia > etsi-ketsi.net
mini-girlz:Figurine of the Victory (Niké)1st quarter 2nd century BCAncient Greece (period) - Helleni
mini-girlz:The Beauty“The Beauty” is one of the best preserved ancient terracotta figure
mini-girlz:Uluburun Shipwreck FigurineLate Bronze Age. Made of Bronze and gold.The shipwreck sank to
mini-girlz:TANAGRA GREEK FIGURE OF A SEATED LADYc. 300-250 BC. Terracotta figure of a woman seated o
mini-girlz:Figurine of the Roman Goddess VenusMade from clay about 1,800 years ago. Found in Birdcom
mini-girlz:A ROMAN BRONZE APHRODITECIRCA 1ST-2ND CENTURY A.D. Standing with weight on left leg, her
mini-girlz:Female Figure Called the “Wo-man Aryballos”Neo-Sumerian period (ca 2150-2000 BC)Alabaster
mini-girlz:Female Anthropomorphic SculptureCulture Shaft Tomb of Western MexicoClassic Period200-900
mini-girlz:Figurine of a WomanAncient Greece. Tanagra, First half of the 3rd century BCclay, white c
mini-girlz:A noble woman as the goddess Venusdressing her hair. The diadem identifies her as Venus.
mini-girlz:Figure of a Seated Court LadyPeriod: Tang dynasty (618–907)Date: 8th centuryCulture: Chin
mini-girlz:Figurine with Hermes and female figure sitting on Tomb - at the Archaeological Museum of
mini-girlz:Statuette of Aphrodite or a Muse leaning on a pillarGreekHellenistic Period300–250 B.C.Gr
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