Mindfulness Recovery
elementary spoilers
Joey, 44, long-term volunteer - free of substance for over two years“Growing up in a tough environme
One of the drawbacks of old-school CBT is that it gets people to add up evidence against the stuff i
Look at what you’re struggling with in your head and approach it from a skills and fitness per
If you see success as solving the problem of you, don’t be surprised if you’ve always go
See that smile on the person that’s getting lost just off the path? It really helped me to rec
Whenever you spend time and energy in life, you’re nourishing something. Maybe you’re no
If you hadn’t learned how to swim, and you struggled to swim, wouldn’t that just be natu
Are you still doing that thing where you listen to your brain? How’s that working out for you?
When you scratch the surface of a belief that’s holding you back, you’ll find a messy a
Break your addiction to certainty and control before it breaks you
The problem is not the thought, it’s the judgment. And that judgment is something you’re
Do you even lift (heavy emotions)? .
Struggling with mental health is all about trying to avoid experiences, like thoughts and feelings t
There’s no disorder in having stuff show up in your head. But what are you going to choose to
If you want to judge the weather, and those judgments trouble you, that’s not a problem with t
Do awesome things for yourself before you feel unawesome.
They’re just things you experience, like graffiti on the walls of your mind.
Get in the water. You can learn how to swim.
It’s no different than physical fitness but we just take mental health for granted, like it sh
Every day is another chance to get better. Every day is another chance to practice mindfulness, and
Trying to be creative…
sheisrecovering: Helpful Links: types of anxiety disorders what causes anxiety? calm breathing tech
Most all of us run at a deficit of positive energy and seek a “higher power,” wh
Joey, 44, long-term volunteer - free of substance for over two years “Growing up in a tough en
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