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mario prada
I have been in LOVE with traveler’s notebooks (ig: miavibes etsy: feelgoodparcel
This is one of my calendar layouts for my bullet journal this year! I realize this is the February c
Newest fountain pen to my collection. Parker Vector, F Nib, in stainless steel brushed in gold.
This is one of my calendar layouts for my bullet journal this year! I realize this is the February c
Current notebooks left to right: Olive Edition travelers notebook with three notebook inserts (blank
Last week in my TN. If you use fountain pens, what are your favorite brown, pink or red inks? #journ
What does creative happiness look like to you? Journaling prompt by @journalingsage #journal #hoboni
We all have stories to tell. Inspired by Ronnie of @lifecapturedinc and @theshoemakersdaughter, in 2
I’m going to try my hand at using a habit tracker this month. I’m cheating a lit
Goodbye 2015, hello 2016! ✨ #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofax #mtn #midori #tra
2015 was truly a year to remember. Thank you for all the likes, kind words, and support, I appreciat
Thought I’d use my 2016 TN weekly + memo insert as a gratitude journal, listing the things
Who or what keeps you going everyday? ❤️ #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofax #mtn
So excited to start using my weekly dated inserts in my TN, I nearly forgot that they started in lat
What made you laugh yesterday? Isn’t it mortifying when you can’t stop laughing
What luxurious moments did you make for yourself this weekend? For me, it was allowing myself to cat
Today’s prompt is from @lifecapturedinc: Write down five things that you want to remember
Merry Christmas! May your day be filled with joy, love, and laughter ❤️ #journal #hobonichi #planner
‘twas the night before Christmas #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofax #m
Give with grateful hearts ❤️ #letteritdecember #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofa
last Elf quote of the year #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofax #mtn #midori #trav
smiling’ my favorite ❤️ #elf #journal #hobonichi #planner #diary #notebook #filofax #mtn #
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