tomeka cherry
fuck watermarks
honestly terrible
thorinkingoferebor: Something painful with Thorin, Fili an Kili requested by klngfili
arkenburglar: thror’s love of gold had grown too fierce. a sickness had begun to grow within him.
thrandurins: You will not turn away.
elvenking: She walks in starlight in another world. for Margo ❤
durinssons: there is no l o v e in you.[insp]
thecrownlesskings: the lord of silver fountainsthe king of carven stonethe king beneath the mountain
oakenbaggins: i n r ê d
rafael-silva: The Company of Thorin Oakenshield’s personal cloak colors.
The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken.
elvenking: No more.
*strums orcrist*
A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night.
paedme: Middle-earth + aesthetics pt. I (insp.)
targaaryenn: If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place.
orlandobloom: Gif request meme: witchofthekorcari asked: Tolkien + favorite female elf» Galadriel
kpfun: Tauriel… You cannot be her. She is far away. She is far, far away from me. She walks in starl
mithrilbilbo: If you ever pass through Bag End, tea is at four. You are welcome any time. Don’t both
dorwinionwhine: LOOK AT THESE CUTIES gandalf does the formal elf hand-on-heart gesture and then elro
elvenking: It means, Master Baggins, you should never underestimate Dwarves.
The fortunes of the world will rise and fall but here in this kingdom we will endure. For Lisa ❤️
princemaglors: I looked into your future and I saw d e a t h
dungeonsdeepcavernsold: LOTR & HOBBIT GIF BATTLE | vs torhin ↳ round 02: outfits
arkenburglar: you are changed, thorin! the dwarf i met in bag end would never have gon
blomskvist: you cannot be her;
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