hot spot
Hades enjoying his new scratcher lounge (that we call “peanut”)from @petfusionwe already have an old
Odin is doing well overall, although I noticed some signs of elevated stress again this morning :/ W
Sleepy flower boy ❤️ I was lucky enough to be able to snatch 2 of @freyasfloralco’s flower crowns J
Just a smol otter
新しいカメラのテスト撮影にお付き合いいただきました。 With my new camera.
Classic Odin His all-time favourite way to get our attention is to roll on the floor and look at us
昨日の写真とのギャップよ Looks like a different cat from the pics of yesterday
起きたくないよねぇ I know, you must want to sleep more.
この写真見てると幸せな気持ちになる This pic makes me happy
春眠暁を覚えず。 In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn.
あなたが猫を覗くとき、猫もまたあなたを覗いているのです。 When you gaze long at the cat, the cat gazes also at you.
見よ、このふわつやおなか Look at my fluffy smooth tummy!
Classic Odin His all-time favourite way to get our attention is to roll on the floor and look at us
Just a smol otter
フィルム撮影の奇跡の1枚。 Miracle shot taken with Hasselblad.
Sleepy flower boy ❤️ I was lucky enough to be able to snatch 2 of @freyasfloralco’s flower cr
証明写真みたいな顔してる Looks like an ID photo.
見つかっちゃった! You got me!
もちが床でくつろいでると夏が来たなと思いますね I feel summer when I see Mochi relaxes on the floor.
Sleepy Sunny Sunday
Spotlight . #cat #catstagram #catphotography #catphoto #cats #catholic #neko #siamesemix #meowstagra
去年からわたしが家にいる時間が増えたからか、もちの中のわたしのプライオリティが上がっているのを感じる Since I have been staying at home more than befo
スフィンクスかな?謎かけされて食われるやつ She may be the sphinx, will eat me if I cannot answer her riddle!
目が合っていますね We’re having eye contact
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