Medieval Monkey
Rodinesque monkey on a pot(above Saints Peter and Paul ‘Petrus apostolus et Paulus doctor gent
What happens when the unstoppable force of an arrow launched by a monkey from a fish-bow meets the i
monkey baseball Psalter, Flanders ca. 1320-1330.Bodleian Library, Douce 6, fol. 114r
homagePsalter, England 13th century.Bodleian, MS. Douce 6, fol. 24v
monkey and the bishopRobert de Boron, L’Estoire de Merlin, Northern France ca. 1280-1290.Paris, BNF,
PrimatesPsalter, England 13th century.Bodleian, MS. Douce 6, margins
MONKEY LOVEJacques, de Longuyon, Les voeux du paon. Tournai (?), ca. 1350.NY, Pierpont Morgan Librar
discardingimages:war elephant and monkey crossbowerbook of hours, England ca. 1300Baltimore, The Wal
bowl of milk! ‘Trivulzio Book of Hours’, Flanders ca. 1470.Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, SMC 1,
warning: cuteness overload!left: monkey hugs a kitten, book of hours, Brussels ca. 1475 (NY, Morgan,
monkey hugging a kittengradual, Valenciennes 16th century.Douai, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 109, f
harping monkey‘Gillion de Trazegnies’, Flanders after 1464LA, Getty, Ms. 111, fol. 150v
The Thinker MonkeyBreviary of Mary of Savoy, Lombardy ca. 1430Chambéry, Bibliothèque municipale, ms
discardingimages:monkey knight Les Grandes Heures du duc de Berry, Paris 1409BnF, Latin 919, fol. 11
luxtempestas:discardingimages:doctor monkey examining an owlbook od hours, Arras ca. 1296-1311Cambra
monkey bombardJean Boutillier, Somme rural, Bruges ca. 1471.BnF, Français 202, fol. 15v
The suited monkey toasts! www.picador.com/books/the-king-of-christmas Illustration from Carol
The Romance of Alexander. MS. Bodl. 264 fol. 20v 1338-1344
discardingimages: monkey riding a goat with a hunting owl Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340 Br
monkeys nursing a kitteh see also the eternal love of the primates‘Trivulzio Book of Hours’, Flander
cavemenLe secret de l'histoire naturelle, France ca. 1480-1485BnF, Français 22971, fol. 13r
owl bishoppsalter and hours, Ghent ca. 1315-1325Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, W.82, fol. 184r
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